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Event date
- Primary Care
- Acute Care
- Pharmacology CE
- 1.00 Contact hours
1.0 NAPNAP Pharmacology Contact Hour. This continuing education activity is offered at a reduced rate to NAPNAP Members. This continuing education activity rate is $10 for NAPNAP Members. For non- members, this continuing education activity rate is $20. This course will review the definition and regulation of the use of biologic agents in children and adolescents.
- Primary Care
- Acute Care
- Pharmacology CE
- 1.25 Contact hours
1.25 NAPNAP Pharmacology Contact Hour. This continuing education activity is offered at a reduced rate to NAPNAP Members. This continuing education activity rate is $12.50 for NAPNAP Members. For non- members, this continuing education activity rate is $25. An extensive review will provide the participant with up-to-date information pharmacological management of common respiratory illnesses in children.
- Primary Care
- Acute Care
- Infectious Disease
- Pharmacology CE
- 1.00 Contact hours
1.0 NAPNAP Pharmacology Contact Hour. This continuing education activity is offered at a reduced rate to NAPNAP Members. This continuing education activity rate is $10 for NAPNAP Members. For non- members, this continuing education activity rate is $20. Current information from CDC will be reviewed. Most current information about vaccine safety will also be covered.
- NAPNAP Cares
- Mental Health
- FREE for Members
- 1.25 Contact hours
1.25 NAPNAP Contact Hour of which 0.25 is pharmacology content. This continuing education activity is part of NAPNAP Cares and is offered free to NAPNAP members until June 2025 and is offered at a reduced rate to NAPNAP members after that. This continuing education activity rate after June 2025 is $12.5 for NAPNAP members. For non-members, this continuing education activity rate is $25. This course will discuss emergency care and mental health.
- Primary Care
- 1.00 Contact hours
1.0 NAPNAP Contact Hour. This continuing education activity is offered at a reduced rate to NAPNAP Members. This continuing education activity rate is $ 10 for NAPNAP Members. For non-members, this continuing education activity rate is $20. The use of traditional power points is not an effective learning pedagogy for this tech-savvy population of Gen Z students. Applying interactive technology such as Nearpod, Flip, Canva, Tik Tok, iMovie and PowToon for classroom activities and discussions, engages the students and facilitates a learning style that is effective to the student need. This presentation will demonstrate how applying these platforms can engage this generation of students while enhancing critical thinking and facilitating effective communication skills.
- Primary Care
- FREE for Members
- Pharmacology CE
- 1.00 Contact hours
1.0 NAPNAP contact hour of which 0.25 contain pharmacology content. This continuing education activity is offered FREE to Members and Nonmembers.
The purpose of this program is to inform primary care pediatric health care providers about the management of children and adolescents with obesity guided by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Clinical Practice Guidelines published in 2023. The presentation content focuses on how to implement best practices for the management of children and adolescents with obesity including pharmacotherapy. Additionally, guidance on the AAP resources and how to access and utilize these tools will be discussed.
- Acute Care
- 0.75 Contact hours
0.75 NAPNAP Contact Hour. This continuing education activity is offered at a reduced rate to NAPNAP Members. This continuing education activity rate is $ 7.50 for NAPNAP Members. For non-members, this continuing education activity rate is $15. Pediatric diabetes care is ever-evolving, and novel medications and technologies introduced to the market are transforming patient outcomes. This course will cover case studies in critical sedation and analgesia.
- Primary Care
- Mental Health
- 0.75 Contact hours
0.75 NAPNAP Contact Hour. This continuing education activity is offered at a reduced rate to NAPNAP Members. This continuing education activity rate is $ 7.50 for NAPNAP Members. For non-members, this continuing education activity rate is $15. Pediatric diabetes care is ever-evolving, and novel medications and technologies introduced to the market are transforming patient outcomes. This presentation will provide an overview of new medications, insulin pumps, smart pen devices and continuous glucose monitors that are currently available or in development for pediatric diabetes care. Participants will discuss these treatments and their various advantages and disadvantages in clinical use.
- Primary Care
- Acute Care
- Nutrition/Feeding
- Pharmacology CE
- 1.00 Contact hours
1.0 NAPNAP Contact Hour of which 1.0 contain pharmacology content. This continuing education activity is offered at a reduced rate to NAPNAP Members. This continuing education activity rate is $10 for NAPNAP Members. For non-members, this continuing education activity rate is $20. This course is an archived presentation from NAPNAP's 2023 National Conference and is offered free with a coupon for conference attendees until 12/31/23.
Quality care for children with multiple chronic conditions including a neurodevelopmental disorder requires a complex plan of care. This interactive presentation will walk participants through the lives and management of three different children with multiple chronic conditions in their primary care medical home. The presenter will describe evidence-based, family-centered care of diagnoses including constipation, gastroesophageal reflux, sialorrhea, sleep disturbance and tone management. The fictional patients will represent children with cerebral palsy, genetic conditions and autism.
- Primary Care
- FREE for Members
- Pharmacology CE
- 1.00 Contact hours
1.0 NAPNAP Contact Hour of which 0.75 contain pharmacology content. This continuing education activity is free to National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners (NAPNAP) members and non-members.
This course will provide the necessary education enabling pediatric practice providers and staff to successfully prevent RSV in the most vulnerable pediatric populations using the recommendations to administer the appropriate RSV prevention to infants based on weight, age, pre-term birth history, presence of chronic conditions and race.