Title Credit Series date Member price Non-member pricesort descending
Navigating Pediatric Obesity Treatment: Exploring the Latest AAP Guidelines and Strategies
1.0 NAPNAP contact hour of which 0.25 contain pharmacology content. This continuing education activity is offered FREE to Members and Nonmembers. The purpose of this program is to inform primary care pediatric health care providers about the management of children and adolescents with obesity guided by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Clinical Practice Guidelines published in 2023. The presentation content focuses on how to implement best practices for the management of children and adolescents with obesity including pharmacotherapy. Additionally, guidance on the AAP resources and how to access and utilize these tools will be discussed.
    • 1.00 Contact hours
05/17/2024 to 06/01/2025 $0.00 $0.00
PIDS: Antimicrobial Stewardship for Advanced Practice Providers
0.5 NAPNAP Contact Hour. This continuing education activity is offered free to NAPNAP Members and for non- members. This session will highlight the key concepts related to antimicrobial stewardship for Advanced Practice Providers in the outpatient environment. Learn the core strategies to combat the threat of antimicrobial resistance. Improving antibiotic use amongst all providers is a key component in reducing inappropriate antimicrobial use and antibiotic resistance.
    • 0.50 Contact hours
11/30/2023 to 12/31/2025 $0.00 $0.00
PIDS: Group A Streptococcal Pharyngitis
0.5 NAPNAP Contact Hour. This continuing education activity is offered free to NAPNAP Members and for non- members. This session will review evidence-based practice for the diagnosis and treatment of Group A Streptococcus. Learn about the importance of utilizing the Modified Centor Score to determine when to test for Group A Strep. Review evidence for appropriate antibiotic treatment for Group A Strep. Apply this new knowledge to clinical case scenarios.
    • 0.50 Contact hours
11/30/2023 to 12/31/2025 $0.00 $0.00
Update in Food Allergy Management
New insights into the immunopathology of FA have led to development of cautious use of controlled exposure to food allergens through allergen immunotherapy and emerging use of monoclonal antibody therapy to interfere with the synthesis of immunoglobulin E (IgE). The expert faculty will contextualize the mechanisms and available clinical trial data related to the use of biologic agents in FA as monotherapy and as adjunct therapy to allergen immunotherapy.
    • 1.00 Contact hours
04/29/2024 to 04/30/2025 $0.00 $0.00
PIDS: Urinary Tract Infections
0.25 NAPNAP Contact Hour. This continuing education activity is offered free to NAPNAP Members and for non- members. This session will review evidence-based practice for the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric urinary tract infection in ambulatory care. Learn about the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric UTI. Apply this knowledge to clinical case scenarios.
    • 0.25 Contact hours
11/30/2023 to 12/31/2025 $0.00 $0.00
PIDS: Acute Sinusitis in Pediatrics
0.5 NAPNAP Contact Hour. This continuing education activity is offered free to NAPNAP Members and for non- members. This session will review evidence-based practice for the diagnosis and treatment of sinusitis in children in ambulatory care. This module will review the key differences between upper respiratory tract infections and sinusitis. Apply this knowledge to clinical case scenarios.
    • 0.50 Contact hours
11/30/2023 to 12/31/2025 $0.00 $0.00
PIDS: Acute Otitis Media (AOM)
0.5 NAPNAP Contact Hour. This continuing education activity is offered free to NAPNAP Members and for non- members. This session will review evidence-based practice for the diagnosis and treatment of acute otitis media in children in ambulatory care. Learn about the value of delayed prescribing of antibiotics. Apply this knowledge to clinical case scenarios.
    • 0.50 Contact hours
11/30/2023 to 12/31/2025 $0.00 $0.00
Ticks - Big Problems from Small Bites
1.0 NAPNAP Contact Hour. This continuing education activity is offered free to NAPNAP Members and non-members. Diagnosing tick-borne diseases (TBDs), whether known or emerging, can be confounding and complex. Timely and correct diagnosis can be essential, since some TBDs can be quickly fatal or have lasting sequelae if left untreated. This presentation will cover symptoms, CDC guidance for treatment, as well as appropriate communication with parents and colleagues. It will also include the vectors, geography of tick-borne diseases, risk, and bite avoidance strategies.
    • 1.00 Contact hours
06/14/2024 to 06/30/2025 $0.00 $0.00
PIDS: Tick-Talk
0.5 NAPNAP Contact Hour. This continuing education activity is offered free to NAPNAP Members and for non- members. This session will review the epidemiology and etiology of common tick-borne illnesses across the United States. The common presentations of various tick-borne infections are included. Clinical case scenarios are utilized to demonstrate appropriate diagnosis and treatment of tick-borne illnesses.
    • 0.50 Contact hours
11/30/2023 to 12/31/2025 $0.00 $0.00
Food Allergy Prevention in 2024: Best Practices, Tools, and Tips for Early Allergen Introduction Success
1.0 NAPNAP Contact Hour. This continuing education activity is offered free to NAPNAP Members and non-members. During this practical webinar, co-hosted by FARE and AAPA, our expert presenters will walk you through the current science and guidelines on early food allergy introduction. They will discuss known patient, family and clinician barriers to adoption and provide practical tips, tools and resources you can use right now to overcome resistance.
    • 1.00 Contact hours
06/18/2024 to 06/30/2025 $0.00 $0.00
Tick Talk: Addressing Misconceptions in Lyme Disease Diagnosis and Treatment - 2023Conf
1.0 NAPNAP Contact Hour, of which 025 contains pharmacology. This continuing education activity is free to National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners (NAPNAP) members and non-members. This course is an archived presentation from NAPNAP's 2023 National Conference. Lyme disease is the most common vector-borne disease in the United States, with approximately 476,000 people diagnosed and treated each year. Pediatric-focused APRNs in both high- and low-incidence areas may encounter Lyme disease, particularly with endemic areas expanding and increased patient travel. A 2022 survey of more than 600 nurse practitioners and other health care providers revealed that the respondents do not have strong confidence in their Lyme disease knowledge, and provider knowledge gaps exist regarding the appropriate diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease. This session will review key findings of this survey and address common misconceptions in the diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease. NAPNAP was awarded funding for to support this education via CDC’s Mobilizing Pediatric Provider Networks: An Education and Training Initiative to Prevent and Control Infectious Disease Threats federal project.
    • 1.00 Contact hours
07/17/2023 to 04/30/2025 $0.00 $0.00
PIDS: Skin and Soft Tissue Infections (SSTI)
0.25 NAPNAP Contact Hour. This continuing education activity is offered free to NAPNAP Members and for non- members. This session will review evidence-based practice for the diagnosis and treatment of skin and soft tissue infections in children. Review the key clinical diagnostic features for skin and soft tissue infections. Apply this knowledge to clinical case scenarios.
    • 0.25 Contact hours
11/30/2023 to 12/31/2025 $0.00 $0.00
PIDS: Clostridioides difficile
0.5 NAPNAP Contact Hour. This continuing education activity is offered free to NAPNAP Members and for non- members. This session will review evidence-based practice for the diagnosis and treatment of C.diff in children in ambulatory care. Apply this knowledge to clinical case scenarios.
    • 0.50 Contact hours
11/30/2023 to 12/31/2025 $0.00 $0.00
Human Trafficking: Raising Awareness to Identify Victims in the Clinical Setting
This course is approved by Texas Health and Human Services to meet the requirements of H.B. 2059. Providers must register for a free PedsCE account, and be logged in to watch the webinar and receive the certificate. This course was created in collaboration with Partners for Vulnerable Youth.
    • 1.50 Contact hours
10/06/2020 to 11/12/2026 $0.00 $0.00
Increasing Access to Mental Health Care in Massachusetts
0.5 NAPNAP Contact Hour. This continuing education activity is free for NAPNAP Members and non-members. This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and is specific for those interested in increasing access to mental health care in Massachusetts.
    • 0.50 Contact hours
07/19/2024 to 07/01/2025 $0.00 $0.00
