Title Credit Series date Member pricesort ascending Non-member price
Creating a Culture of Breastfeeding Support in the Pediatric Office
1.0 NAPNAP Contact Hour. This continuing education activity is offered at a reduced rate to NAPNAP Members. This continuing education activity rate is $ 10 for NAPNAP Members. For non-members, this continuing education activity rate is $20. Advanced practice nurses are in ideal roles to promote the creation of a breastfeeding-friendly pediatric office. This presentation will discuss strategies such as staff education, triage and appointment protocols and early counseling of breastfeeding mothers to support long-term breastfeeding. Furthermore, we will discuss how creating a breastfeeding-friendly pediatric office improves breastfeeding self-efficacy through educational interventions and lactation support that begins with early postpartum visits and continues with follow-up visits.
    • 1.00 Contact hours
11/07/2023 to 11/30/2025 $10.00 $20.00
Oral contraceptive uses in Adolescent Health Care
1.0 NAPNAP Contact Hour. This continuing education activity is offered at a reduced rate to NAPNAP Members. This continuing education activity rate is $10 for NAPNAP Members. For non-members, this continuing education activity rate is $20. Oral contraceptives have been a mainstay in adolescent reproductive management for many years. While many providers are knowledgeable in this therapeutic management for birth control and dysfunctional uterine bleeding, there are many more indications of use. This presentation will offer broader considerations for the common birth control and DUB decision making, as well as review the use of OC in premenstrual conditions, ovarian dysgenesis, Turner's syndrome and Acne.
    • 1.00 Contact hours
11/01/2022 to 11/30/2024 $10.00 $20.00
Pediatric Firearm Violence: Practice & Policy Must Intersect - 2023Conf
1.0 NAPNAP Contact Hour. This continuing education activity is offered at a reduced rate to NAPNAP Members. This continuing education activity rate is $10 for NAPNAP Members. For non-members, this continuing education activity rate is $20. This course is a recorded presentation for NAPNAP's 2023 National Conference and is offered free with a coupon for conference attendees until 12/31/23. Firearm injuries (unintentional and intentional) are the leading cause of death in children. How can this be? The associated morbidity of these injuries is devastating for patients, families, providers, and organizations. Case scenarios will be presented capturing demographics, associated injuries and care, physical and mental impact, and related policy initiatives. The “costs” of these injuries and secondary trauma are devastating and will be described. We are vastly under resourced to combat this epidemic. Current health policy initiatives and the role of the pediatric focused advanced practice registered nurse in advocating for affected children and their families will be summarized. This epidemic must become a population health priority at the local, state and national levels.
    • 1.00 Contact hours
07/17/2023 to 04/30/2025 $10.00 $20.00
Pregnancy Options Counseling with Adolescents: A Multidisciplinary Evidence-Based Approach - 2023Conf
1.0 NAPNAP Contact Hour. This continuing education activity is offered at a reduced rate to NAPNAP Members. This continuing education activity rate is $10 for NAPNAP Members. For non-members, this continuing education activity rate is $20. This course is an archived presentation from NAPNAP's 2023 National Conference and is offered free with a coupon for conference attendees until 12/31/23.  Delivering the news of a pregnancy to a young person can be difficult and may feel intimidating to even the most seasoned provider, but doing it well will empower patients to make medically-informed decisions without judgment or pressure. In this session, we will discuss evidence-based practices for providing comprehensive pregnancy options counseling to adolescents through a reproductive justice framework and participants will have the opportunity to work through challenging case scenarios.
    • 1.00 Contact hours
07/17/2023 to 04/30/2025 $10.00 $20.00
JPHC is Your Journal... Publish Your Scholarly Work in JPHC
1.0 NAPNAP Contact Hour. This continuing education activity is offered at a reduced rate to NAPNAP Members. This continuing education activity rate is $10 for NAPNAP Members. For non-members, this continuing education activity rate is $20. This course is a recorded presentation for NAPNAP's 2024 National Conference. This presentation will include updates for the Journal of Pediatric Health Care (JPHC) that have occurred since July 2023, and discuss future directions. Be a part of the Journal’s journey as we focus on publishing your scholarly work that will make a meaningful difference in pediatric health care in the U.S. and worldwide. Learn how to use reporting guidelines to develop your scholarly work into a publishable manuscript for any research investigation, quality improvement projects and all department submissions. The JPHC Editors will offer insights and strategies for developing your pediatric-focused expertise and translating it to a manuscript for publication. Meet the Editor-in-Chief, the Associate Editor, Department Editors, Reviewers and commit to becoming involved!
    • 1.00 Contact hours
06/27/2024 to 06/30/2026 $10.00 $20.00
Finding a Place to Call Home: The Importance of a Medical Home for Children with Cerebral Palsy
1.0 NAPNAP Contact Hour. This continuing education activity is offered at a reduced rate to NAPNAP Members. This continuing education activity rate is $10 for NAPNAP Members. For non-members, this continuing education activity rate is $20. This course is a recorded presentation for NAPNAP's 2024 National Conference. Cerebral palsy (CP) is the most common motor disorder seen in children. This presentation will review what providers should know about the diagnosis of CP, the recommended surveillance and interventions, common problems and co-morbidities, and transitioning into adult care.
    • 1.00 Contact hours
06/27/2024 to 06/30/2026 $10.00 $20.00
Antiviral Therapeutics for Pediatric Primary and Acute Care
1.0 NAPNAP Contact Hour, of which 1.0 is pharmacology content. This continuing education activity is offered at a reduced rate to NAPNAP Members. This continuing education activity rate is $10 for NAPNAP Members. For non-members, this continuing education activity rate is $20. This course is a recorded presentation for NAPNAP's 2024 National Conference. Viral illness is common in the pediatric population, and antiviral therapies are available for prevention or treatment of select viruses. This presentation will review antiviral medications commonly used in pediatric primary and acute care, including targeted populations, efficacy data and current guidance.
    • 1.00 Contact hours
06/27/2024 to 06/30/2026 $10.00 $20.00
Medically Indicated Infant Formula Supplementation: Educating and Supporting Mixed Feeding Families - 2023Conf
1.0 NAPNAP Contact Hour. This continuing education activity is offered at a reduced rate to NAPNAP Members. This continuing education activity rate is $10 for NAPNAP Members. For non-members, this continuing education activity rate is $20. This course is an archived presentation from NAPNAP's 2023 National Conference and is offered free with a coupon for conference attendees until 12/31/23.  Though human milk feeding is the gold standard nutrition for newborns and infants, exclusive human milk feeding is not always achievable. Using case studies and personal accounts, this presentation aims to help providers identify infants who require supplementation and review recommendations for how to supplement safely and effectively while still working toward achieving the lactation goals of the family. The presenters will also discuss the history of supplementation and current trends including issues related to the recent formula shortage.
    • 1.00 Contact hours
07/17/2023 to 04/30/2025 $10.00 $20.00
Addressing Challenges in the Recognition and Management of Pediatric Sepsis in the Emergency Department, Critical Care and Post-Sepsis Care
1.0 NAPNAP Contact Hour of which 0.25 contain pharmacology content. This continuing education activity is offered at a reduced rate to NAPNAP Members. This continuing education activity rate is $10 for NAPNAP Members. For non-members, this continuing education activity rate is $20. This course is a recorded presentation for NAPNAP's 2024 National Conference. Sepsis remains one of the most frequent causes of pediatric morbidity and mortality. This presentation will address challenges in pediatric sepsis recognition and management, as well as provide education regarding care of the septic patient in various settings (e.g., emergency department, critical care, and post-sepsis care). Participants will be introduced to sepsis protocols currently being utilized within institutions across the country.
    • 1.00 Contact hours
06/27/2024 to 06/30/2026 $10.00 $20.00
Nothing "Fun" about Functional GI Conditions- 2023Conf
1.0 NAPNAP Contact Hour. This continuing education activity is offered at a reduced rate to NAPNAP Members. This continuing education activity rate is $10 for NAPNAP Members. For non-members, this continuing education activity rate is $20. This course is an archived presentation from NAPNAP's 2023 National Conference and is offered free with a coupon for conference attendees until 12/31/23. When a child has a functional GI disorder, although they may be experiencing GI symptoms, these are not due to an underlying organic medical condition. Medications and diet can be beneficial when used appropriately with realistic expectations. This presentation is aimed at helping practitioners accurately identify and manage functional GI disorders.
    • 1.00 Contact hours
07/17/2023 to 04/30/2025 $10.00 $20.00
Sometimes it’s a Zebra! Identifying and Managing Uncommon Causes of Chronic Respiratory Symptoms for the Experienced Clinician
1.0 NAPNAP Contact Hour. This continuing education activity is offered at a reduced rate to NAPNAP Members. This continuing education activity rate is $10 for NAPNAP Members. For non-members, this continuing education activity rate is $20. This course is a recorded presentation for NAPNAP's 2024 National Conference. We have all heard the old saying, “When you hear hoof beats, think horses, not zebras”. But as we know, sometimes it is a zebra! While many of the conditions pediatric providers see are common, as an experienced provider it is important that we are also able to identify uncommon and rare pulmonary conditions. In such conditions, early identification and early intervention are vital to ensuring the best outcomes. This presentation is geared towards the experienced pediatric provider and will review the diagnosis and management of rare pulmonary conditions including, but not limited to, Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia, immunodeficiency, Cystic Fibrosis and WHIM syndrome.
    • 1.00 Contact hours
06/27/2024 to 06/30/2026 $10.00 $20.00
Pediatric Diabetes Care: Pharmacology and Technology in 2023
0.75 NAPNAP Contact Hour. This continuing education activity is offered at a reduced rate to NAPNAP Members. This continuing education activity rate is $ 7.50 for NAPNAP Members. For non-members, this continuing education activity rate is $15. Pediatric diabetes care is ever-evolving, and novel medications and technologies introduced to the market are transforming patient outcomes. This presentation will provide an overview of new medications, insulin pumps, smart pen devices and continuous glucose monitors that are currently available or in development for pediatric diabetes care. Participants will discuss these treatments and their various advantages and disadvantages in clinical use.
    • 0.75 Contact hours
12/13/2023 to 12/22/2025 $7.50 $15.00
Genetics for the Pediatric-focused APRN
0.75 NAPNAP Contact Hour. This continuing education activity is offered at a reduced rate to NAPNAP Members. This continuing education activity rate is $ 7.50 for NAPNAP Members. For non-members, this continuing education activity rate is $15. This course will discuss the role of the pediatric-focused APRN in providing genomic-based care. We will review some basics of human genetics, genomics and patterns of genetic inheritance. We will use case studies to highlight the impact on genetic variants in pediatric conditions.
    • 0.75 Contact hours
11/07/2023 to 11/30/2025 $7.50 $15.00
Mentoring Matters: Building Nurse Practitioners for the Future
0.75 NAPNAP Contact Hour. This continuing education activity is offered at a reduced rate to NAPNAP Members. This continuing education activity rate is $7.50 for NAPNAP Members. For non-members, this continuing education activity rate is $15. This course is a recorded presentation for NAPNAP's 2024 National Conference. Mentorship is a tool that can be used in health care to combat difficult role transition, job dissatisfaction and turnover. This presentation will discuss the different types of mentoring, current research regarding mentoring in APRNs, benefits of mentorship, strategies for training mentors, and lessons learned from development and implementation from a formal mentorship program for new graduate PNPs at an academic children’s hospital. Participants will also gain tools needed to become mentors themselves.
    • 0.75 Contact hours
06/27/2024 to 06/30/2026 $7.50 $15.00
Critical Care Sedation and Analgesia
0.75 NAPNAP Contact Hour. This continuing education activity is offered at a reduced rate to NAPNAP Members. This continuing education activity rate is $ 7.50 for NAPNAP Members. For non-members, this continuing education activity rate is $15. Pediatric diabetes care is ever-evolving, and novel medications and technologies introduced to the market are transforming patient outcomes. This course will cover case studies in critical sedation and analgesia.
    • 0.75 Contact hours
12/13/2023 to 12/22/2025 $7.50 $15.00
