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  • Primary Care
  • FREE for Members
  • 1.00 Contact hours
1.0 NAPNAP contact hour. This continuing education activity is offered free to NAPNAP Members. For nonmembers, this continuing education activity rate is $10. Female genital mutilation and cutting (FGM/C) is a serious global public health problem, violating the basic human rights of girls and woman. FGM/C is a form of child maltreatment. According to the World Health Organization 200 million girls and women have undergone FGM/C in thirty countries in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. Studies indicate that healthcare professionals, including nurses and advanced practice registered nurses, report a lack of knowledge and comfort related to the identification and clinical management of FGM/C. It is critical that all healthcare professionals, including pediatric nurse practitioners (PNP), possess a thorough understanding of FGM/C and intervene appropriately. This continuing education article will define FGM/C, describe cultural implications, discuss possible short and long-term consequences, and explore implications for practice. J Pediatr Health Care. (2025) 39, Issue 1, 112-121.
  • Primary Care
  • 0.75 Contact hours
0.75 NAPNAP Contact Hour. This continuing education activity is offered at a reduced rate to NAPNAP Members. This continuing education activity rate is $7.50 for NAPNAP Members. For non-members, this continuing education activity rate is $15. This course is an archived session from NAPNAP's Pediatric Virtual Symposium: 2024 Targeted Topics. Picture this: health care hero’s mastering the art of gastric tube management, from cecostomy to gastric tubes! Come on an adventure to ensure every (gastric) twist and turn leads to patient comfort and seamless functionality. All health care professionals are invited to tune into this presentation and become connoisseurs of the care and management of gastric tubes.
  • Primary Care
  • 1.00 Contact hours
1.00 NAPNAP Contact Hour. This continuing education activity is offered at a reduced rate to NAPNAP Members. This continuing education activity rate is $10 for NAPNAP Members. For non-members, this continuing education activity rate is $20. This course is an archived session from NAPNAP's Pediatric Virtual Symposium: 2024 Targeted Topics. The 2023 American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) CPG for the Evaluation and Treatment of Obesity in Children and Adolescents recommends that children 2-18 years with overweight/obesity be comprehensively evaluated for comorbidities and offered multicomponent, family-based, Intensive Health Behavior and Lifestyle Treatment (IHBLT). This session will focus on the core components of IHBLT and the associated health outcomes. Additionally, participants will learn how to locate recognized Family Healthy Weight Programs and steps to take if there are no local programs. Led by a member of the AAP clinical practice guideline writing team and a member of the NAPNAP Childhood Obesity SIG, this session will help primary care providers assess and build their capacity around IHBLT.
  • Primary Care
  • Acute Care
  • 0.75 Contact hours
0.75 NAPNAP Contact Hour. This continuing education activity is offered at a reduced rate to NAPNAP Members. This continuing education activity rate is $7.5 for NAPNAP Members. For non-members, this continuing education activity rate is $15. This course is an archived session from NAPNAP's Pediatric Virtual Symposium: 2024 Targeted Topics. Infants born with congenital heart disease may be dependent on a patent ductus arteriosus to maintain blood flow to either the lungs or body. Some infants may not be recognized to have ductal dependent cardiac disease until the ductus arteriosus is closing and the patient is showing signs of poor perfusion or hypoxia. Detection and management of ductal dependence is critical to stabilize these patients until corrective procedures or surgeries can be offered.
  • Primary Care
  • FREE for Members
  • Pharmacology CE
  • 1.00 Contact hours
1.0 NAPNAP contact hour of which 1.0 contain pharmacology content. This continuing education activity is offered free to NAPNAP Members. For nonmembers, this continuing education activity rate is $10. Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a lifelong disease requiring expensive treatment for management and limited curative options until the last few years. Gene therapy has emerged as a curative option for SCD, with two approved therapies available to SCD patients aged greater than 12 years. Consideration must be considered regarding the ethics, efficacy, management requirements, education, and counseling needs of patients and their parents. Current and future practices will need to advocate for improved access and affordability of this specialized care and address the unknown and less defined areas of gene therapy pertaining to SCD through research. J Pediatr Health Care. (2025) 39, Issue 1, 122-128.
  • Primary Care
  • Mental Health
  • 1.00 Contact hours
1.0 NAPNAP Contact Hour. This continuing education activity is offered for free to NAPNAP Members until 1/31/2026. For non-members, this continuing education activity rate is $20.
  • Primary Care
  • Acute Care
  • Human Trafficking
  • 1.00 Contact hours
1.0 NAPNAP Contact Hour. This continuing education activity is offered at a reduced rate of $0 to NAPNAP Members. For non-members, this continuing education activity rate is $20. This course is intended to help health care providers understand the nature of human trafficking with a focus on the pediatric population. In Module 101 of the 3-PARRT series, we will review the definition of trafficking, explore myths and facts, sensationalism, and statistics, as well as the legal foundation and history of human trafficking in the United States. We will also discuss theoretical constructs related to trafficking, what a trafficker is, how trafficking happens, risks and vulnerabilities, underserved populations, and the health consequences of trafficking.
  • Primary Care
  • Acute Care
  • Human Trafficking
  • 0.50 Contact hours
0.5 NAPNAP Contact Hour. This continuing education activity is offered at a reduced rate of $0 to NAPNAP Members. For non-members, this continuing education activity rate is $10. This course is intended to help health care providers understand the nature of human trafficking with a focus on the pediatric population. Module 102 of the 3-PARRT series reviews the encounter of the trafficked or potentially trafficked patient in the clinical environment. We will discuss patient/provider barriers, how to approach the trafficked patient, history taking, review of systems, and physical assessment. We'll also go over maintaining safety for all involved, proper documentation of the encounter, and trauma informed care.
  • Primary Care
  • Acute Care
  • Human Trafficking
  • 1.00 Contact hours
1.0 NAPNAP Contact Hour. This continuing education activity is offered at a reduced rate of $0 to NAPNAP Members. For non-members, this continuing education activity rate is $20. This course is intended to help health care providers understand the nature of human trafficking with a focus on the pediatric population. In Module 103 of the 3-PARRT series we will discuss how to respond to a patient who is being or may be trafficked, resources and referrals to make, vicarious trauma, and consideration for supporting the patient longitudinally. We'll also discuss the importance of institutional policies and procedures, how to develop them, stakeholder intersections, and the work NAPNAP has done in helping develop the core competencies.
  • Primary Care
  • Acute Care
  • Cardiology
  • 1.00 Contact hours
1.0 NAPNAP Contact Hour. This continuing education activity is offered at a reduced rate to NAPNAP Members. This continuing education activity rate is $10 for NAPNAP Members. For non-members, this continuing education activity rate is $20. This course is an archived presentation from NAPNAP's 2023 National Conference and is offered free with a coupon for conference attendees until 12/31/23.  Pediatric cardiac complaints in a primary care office can be intimidating, but do all patients all need referral to the cardiologist? In this session, we will analyze common pediatric cardiac complaints to help identify which patients are most likely to require specialized care.
