Preparing Your Pediatric Practice to Care for Adolescents with Opioid Use Disorders

1.0 NAPNAP Contact Hour of which contains 1.00 pharmacology, 1.00 Controlled Substances and 0.25 Psychopharmacology content. This continuing education activity is offered at a reduced rate to NAPNAP Members. This continuing education activity rate is $10 for NAPNAP Members. For non- members, this continuing education activity rate is $20. 

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends medication assisted treatment for adolescents with opioid use disorders (MOUD) but less than 12% of affected youth ever receive treatment and even fewer receive MOUD. In an effort to get evidence-based treatment to people with OUD, in 2021 the HHS relaxed the laws that govern MOUD prescribing. Similar to collaborative care approaches to treatment of other mental health disorders, pediatric-focused NPs should be the first person their patients look to for helping them recover from OUDs. This case-based presentation will give participants an overview of screening and evidence-based treatment for youth with OUDs, followed by practical advice and resources for preparing a practice to care for this population.

This continuing education activity is administered by the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners (NAPNAP) as an Agency providing continuing education credit. Individuals who complete this program will be awarded 1.0 NAPNAP contact hour, of which contains 1.00 pharmacology, 1.00 Controlled Substances and 0.25 Psychopharmacology content.

IMPORTANT: This continuing education activity is offered at a reduced rate to NAPNAP Members. You must be logged in using your NAPNAP Username and Password to be recognized as a Member of NAPNAP. If you are a current member of NAPNAP, and you are being asked to purchase this activity at the Non-Member rate, please contact the NAPNAP National Office at (877) 662-7627 to request assistance prior to entering any payment information. 

Participants are forbidden to reproduce, republish, redistribute, or resell this course in any other form. For copyright-related questions, please email your question to: [email protected]

Copyright 2022 © by National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners (NAPNAP).

Target Audience

Pediatric-focused advanced practice registered nurses

Learning Objectives

• Describe the process for screening and early intervention for patients who misuse opioids.
• Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of treating patients with opioid use disorders (OUD) in primary care.
• Identify the key modifications needed to prepare your practice to treat patients with OUD.
• Identify access training and other support resources.

Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 1.00 Contact hours
Course opens: 
Course expires: 

Angela  J. Nash, PhD, APRN, CPNP-PC, PMHS 
Dr. Angela Nash is an associate professor of nursing and practicing PNP with board certifications in primary care and pediatric mental health. She has a particular love for adolescents who struggle with addiction and promoting recovery and hope for these kids is her passion. She provides mental/behavioral healthcare and medications for youth with opioid use disorders (OUD).

Available Credit

  • 1.00 Contact hours


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