NAPNAP is excited to bring pediatric mental health continuing education to pediatric-focused APRNs through our educational initiative NAPNAP Cares.

NAPNAP Cares was developed in response to the pediatric mental health crisis in the United States.

We assembled a group of very experienced member experts who will discuss the evaluation, diagnostic decision making, and initial- and ongoing- management of a variety of mental health conditions and health promotion and anticipatory guidance.

Each course in the NAPNAP Cares collection is free to NAPNAP members through June 2025 thanks to the generous support of NAPNAP's Acute Care, Adolescent Health Care, Childhood Obesity, Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs, Developmental Behavioral and Mental Health, Pediatric Emergency Care and School-based Health Care SIGs. Learn more about joining NAPNAP today to get free access to NAPNAP Cares!