Title | Credit | Series date | Member price | Non-member price |
Surveillance and Screening in the Primary Care Setting 1.00 NAPNAP Contact Hour. This continuing education activity is free for NAPNAP Members and non-members. This CE activity will help the primary care provider define and understand the difference between surveillance and screening, identify developmental and mental health screening measures in primary care and teach the provider strategies for reviewing results of screeners with patients and families. This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and is specific for those interested in increasing access to mental health care. |
08/01/2024 to 07/31/2025 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
PIDS: Community Acquired Pneumonia 0.5 NAPNAP Contact Hour. This continuing education activity is offered free to NAPNAP Members and for non- members. This session will review evidence-based practice for the diagnosis and treatment of community acquired pneumonia in children in the ambulatory care environment. Apply this knowledge to clinical case scenarios. |
11/30/2023 to 12/31/2025 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
Introduction to Tickborne Diseases and Disease Prevention (Module 1) 1.25 NAPNAP Contact Hour. This continuing education activity is offered free for NAPNAP Members and for non- members. This 4-part series will enable front-line clinicians to recognize, diagnose, and treat Lyme disease, an increasingly common tickborne illness. The free online curriculum will be a valuable resource for primary care clinicians, public health professionals, pharmacists, and health educators who encounter clients with Lyme disease. |
01/27/2022 to 09/30/2025 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
RSV 2024-2025 – Is Your Pediatric Practice Ready? 1.0 NAPNAP Contact Hour of which 0.75 contain pharmacology content. This continuing education activity is free to National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners (NAPNAP) members and non-members. This course will provide the necessary education enabling pediatric practice providers and staff to successfully prevent RSV in the most vulnerable pediatric populations using the recommendations to administer the appropriate RSV prevention to infants based on weight, age, pre-term birth history, presence of chronic conditions and race. |
10/10/2024 to 10/31/2026 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
Lyme Disease Clinical Overview (Module 2) 1.00 NAPNAP Contact Hour. This continuing education activity is offered free for NAPNAP Members and for non- members. This 4-part series will enable front-line clinicians to recognize, diagnose, and treat Lyme disease, an increasingly common tickborne illness. The free online curriculum will be a valuable resource for primary care clinicians, public health professionals, pharmacists, and health educators who encounter clients with Lyme disease. |
01/27/2022 to 09/30/2025 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
Lyme Disease Testing and Diagnosis (Module 3) 1.25 NAPNAP Contact Hour. This continuing education activity is offered free for NAPNAP Members and for non- members. This 4-part series will enable front-line clinicians to recognize, diagnose, and treat Lyme disease, an increasingly common tickborne illness. The free online curriculum will be a valuable resource for primary care clinicians, public health professionals, pharmacists, and health educators who encounter clients with Lyme disease. |
01/27/2022 to 09/30/2025 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
Pediatric Lyme Disease: Cases from the Emergency Department 0.75 NAPNAP Contact Hour. This continuing education activity is offered free to NAPNAP Members and for non- members. |
01/05/2024 to 02/28/2025 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
Lyme Disease Treatment and Management (Module 4) 1.00 NAPNAP Contact Hour. This continuing education activity is offered free for NAPNAP Members and for non- members. This 4-part series will enable front-line clinicians to recognize, diagnose, and treat Lyme disease, an increasingly common tickborne illness. The free online curriculum will be a valuable resource for primary care clinicians, public health professionals, pharmacists, and health educators who encounter clients with Lyme disease. |
01/27/2022 to 09/30/2025 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
Tick Talk: Digging Deeper into Lyme Disease 1.0 NAPNAP Contact Hour. This continuing education activity is free to National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners (NAPNAP) members and non-members. This course is a recorded presentation for NAPNAP's 2024 National Conference. Lyme disease is the most common vector-borne disease in the U.S., with a childhood peak at five to nine years of age. Pediatric-focused APRNs in both high and low incidence areas may encounter patients in whom Lyme disease is a concern. This presentation will provide an in-depth review of Lyme disease testing and interpretation, discuss when (and when not) to treat and examine the current knowledge regarding prolonged symptoms. |
06/27/2024 to 06/30/2026 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
Update of the Clinical Practice Guidelines for Pediatric Asthma 0.25 NAPNAP Contact Hour. This continuing education activity is offered at a reduced rate to NAPNAP Members. This continuing education activity rate is $0 for NAPNAP Members. For non-members, this continuing education activity rate is $2.50. |
04/24/2024 to 05/31/2025 | $0.00 | $2.50 |
Overuse of Psychotropic Medications in Children and Youth in Foster Care 0.5 NAPNAP Contact Hour. This continuing education activity is offered at a reduced rate to NAPNAP Members. This continuing education activity rate is $5 for NAPNAP Members. For non- members, this continuing education activity rate is $10. Children in foster care are a vulnerable population with unmet health care needs complicated by a history of trauma, making providing comprehensive care difficult for Advanced Practice Providers (APPs). Care for this population is often transient and crisis centered, and an estimated 80% of children in foster care having one or more psychiatric diagnoses. Despite this rate of psychiatric diagnoses, children in foster care are prescribed psychotropic medications at a disproportionately high rate that is more than twice that of Medicaid controls. Stimulants are the most prescribed medication class followed by atypical anti-psychotic medications. A better understanding of the common mental health diagnoses of children in foster care, common medication indications and their monitoring, and available evidence-based treatments are imperative for APPs to care for this population. APPs need to be strong advocates for this vulnerable population to reduce the risk of psychotropic medication overuse and improve overall health outcomes. |
07/05/2023 to 07/31/2025 | $5.00 | $10.00 |
JPHC CE: Child Sexual Abuse Victimization and Parenting 1.0 NAPNAP contact hour. This continuing education activity is offered free to NAPNAP Members. For nonmembers, this continuing education activity rate is $10. Pediatric nurse practitioners (PNPs) care for children who have experienced sexual abuse or are being parented by a sexual abuse survivor, often without PNP awareness of the trauma exposure. It is crucial for PNPs and all pediatric health care providers to understand the relationship between sexual abuse victimization and parenting to better advocate for vulnerable children and their caregivers. This continuing education article will explore sexual abuse victimization and its’ potential impact on adults who parent with a focus on implications for practice. |
04/16/2024 to 06/30/2025 | $0.00 | $10.00 |
JPHC CE: Secondhand Smoke Exposure in Pediatric Patients: What Is the Nurse Practitioner’s Role? 0.75 NAPNAP contact hour. This continuing education activity is offered free to NAPNAP Members. For nonmembers, this continuing education activity rate is $10. The detrimental impact of smoking is extensively known and documented. However, what about those who cannot make that choice for themselves? Unlike most adults, children have little to no control over their environment, relying heavily on the choices and actions of their parent(s). While this is true with various factors, it is especially true with secondhand smoke exposure (SHSe). No amount of smoke is a safe level to be around, especially in infancy and childhood. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) defines secondhand smoke (SHS) as “smoke emitted from a tobacco product or exhaled from a person who smokes that is inhaled by a person who does not smoke,” enveloping involuntary participants like infants and children (Jenssenetal.,2023). This continuing education paper strives to give insight into the dangers of SHSe for children, a guide for providers, and resources for parent(s) struggling with tobacco dependency. J Pediatr Health Care. (2024) 38, Issue 6, 936-942. |
11/01/2024 to 12/31/2025 | $0.00 | $10.00 |
Child Welfare and Advocacy Through an Infant Mental Health Lens 0.5 NAPNAP Contact Hour. This continuing education activity is offered at a reduced rate to NAPNAP Members. This continuing education activity rate is $5 for NAPNAP Members. For non- members, this continuing education activity rate is $10. This course will review the impact of adverse early childhood experiences on infant and child mental health with a focus on child maltreatment. This course also provides an overview of infant mental health and practical ways of incorporating the principles of infant mental health in practice when caring for children who have experienced maltreatment. |
02/22/2023 to 02/28/2025 | $5.00 | $10.00 |
3-PARRT 2023: Human Trafficking 102 0.5 NAPNAP Contact Hour. This continuing education activity is offered at a reduced rate of $5 to NAPNAP Members. For non-members, this continuing education activity rate is $10. This course is intended to help health care providers understand the nature of human trafficking with a focus on the pediatric population. Module 102 of the 3-PARRT series reviews the encounter of the trafficked or potentially trafficked patient in the clinical environment. We will discuss patient/provider barriers, how to approach the trafficked patient, history taking, review of systems, and physical assessment. We'll also go over maintaining safety for all involved, proper documentation of the encounter, and trauma informed care. |
05/25/2023 to 05/31/2025 | $5.00 | $10.00 |